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Ulus Metal TR and Poland factories have thorough quality and advanced engineering approaches due to industrial standards. Furthermore Ulus Metal preserves its consistency and constructive policies both for its employee and customers at all times.

Our company has adopted the principle of contributional and systematic management for all of its stakeholders with the vision of 'Shape the Change'. Our deep-rooted corporate culture offers an inclusive and diverse workplace at every episode of the career of our employees.

While Ulus Metal places leadership, participation, responsibility and raising people at the heart of HR culture, invites candidates who want to shape their future to our open positions.

Z Procedurą Zgłoszeń Wewnętrznych oraz podejmowania działań następczych można się zapoznać w dziale HR.

W przypadku pytań dotyczących procedury zgłoszeń wewnętrznych prosimy o kontakt z osobą obsługującą zgłoszenia: Kierownik HR i Administracji +48 880 342 324.

Informacje będą udzielane we wtorki i czwartki w godzinach od 12:00 do 13:00.


The Internal Notification and Follow-up Procedure can be consulted in the HR department.

If you have any questions about the Internal Notification Procedure,

please contact the Notification Officer: Head of HR and Administration +48 880 342 324.

Information will be provided on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 to 13:00.


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